I wish I could edit this cartoon... change know to known |
I had to hit up the gym a bit early today because I had an appointment to get a rock chip in my windshield repaired (I have fallen victim to those threatening commercials where the whole windshield breaks while scraping of snow). The downfall to this was that there was someone working out when I went down, and of all the things in the world to watch, he was watching business channel. Nothing like watching a ticker on the bottom of the screen showing how just about everything is down while people sit there and just talk about companies... Do people
actually find this interesting, or is this one of those things that people pretend to be interested in just to look smart or sophisticated?? Can you imagine filling out a form of some sort and actually writing down financials as an interest? I don't know what kind of form you would fill out where you would have to werite your interests - maybe an eharmony application... In which case, if you are writing financials on your eharmony application, you are probably a lost cause or gold-digger bait. I started out just doing my own thing and ignoring the television, however I couldn't stop myself from listenning when the VP of communications for the oilsands came on for an interview and tried to explain how the oilsands are awesome... I'm not a huge environmental activist, there's nothing that I actively participate in to justify me saying so; however, I still have beliefs about the subject manner. Quite frankly, one of the hardest things about living in Alberta has been listenning to all the pro-oil industry bullshit that continually is being shoved down your throat. It's bad enough that a lot of people here actually think that the oil sands are beneficial - yes, they are economically, but sometimes I feel like the entire province is acting like a five year old plugging its ears and going "lalalalalalala". So, as my anger slowly boiled up inside me while listenning to this woman talk about how greatthe oil sands are, I decided to take that same five year old approach myself - I threw on my headphones and cranked up my music. Peace. I was working out, once again, on my new found friend the elliptical. I say my new found friend because this piece of mahcinery has actually made its way into my dreams - how sad is that? I had a dream last night that Dan and I were moving into a house of our own ( I knew it was a dream because the size of the house clearly indicated that it was completely out of our price range). The down side to moving into the new house was that I was no longer going to have the gym, but in a twist of good fate the gym in my building was closing (I guess I was the only one using it in dream land). So, all the exercise equipment was being auctionned off, but since no one in the building was interested in using the gym, no one wanted to by the equipment so my bid of $1 on my beloved elliptical won. Ah, everything was falling so perfectly into place. On moving day, I went down to the gym to get my elliptical, but it was gone! DUN, DUN, DUNNNNN. It turned out someone had made an offer after the auction and I was stabbed in the back; my elliptical was sold out from underneath me. Torn away from each other too soon... the saddest story that eve co-starred a piece of exercise equipment. Have I not mentionned that I have seriously messed up dreams?? Well, now you know.
Day 19:
40 minutes
50 sit-ups
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