How to recognize a douche at the gym |
I'm getting geared up for my super long day today! I did my best to sleep in today (more than usual at least), I made it until 12:00 so hopefully I got enough sleep to get me through the long evening ahead. Since I am doing the soccer marathon after work tonight, I opted for the elliptical again today rather than running. Much to my chagrin there was someone else in the workout room when I went down today - there is a reason that I have never enjoyed going to public gyms, I simply hate the idea of working out around other people. I prefer the quiet solitude that I normally experience during my workouts. Best of all, the guy was using the bike right next to the elliptical. I kept looking down to see what his time was at, wondering what his goal is, and that hopefully he would get to it soon and get out of there. I ended up only getting about 15 minutes by myself; this guy pedaled forever, at a very slow speed... I was starting to question whether or not there is actually a purpose to sitting and pedaling that slowly. I suppose I shouldn't complain that much, it could be much, much worse - I could be going to one of the gyms in downtown Calgary where douche bag guys go on their lunch breaks to pump some iron while wearing their most outrageous Ed Hardy t-shirts. Those same guys are always the ones that pick up some weights the size of their heads and curl them while grunting like they are giving birth to twins. All in all, it makes for a very undesirable environment in my opinion. Alternatively, there are some women-only gyms in Calgary, Ive never actually been to one but I think it might be kind of depressing... A lot of women in one room, most of whom do not feel good about themselves at all... It's kind of counter-productive but they should probably put a Ben & Jerry's in there. Ya, I certainly prefer working out in the under-used gym in my building where I always (except for today) get to pick what's on the television and blast it super loud so that I can hear everything that's said over the noise from the workout equipment. Luckily, the guy that was in there before me didn't have anything too terrible on the television, just some good old Dragon's Den - sure it was an episode that I had seen before but there are a lot worse things that he could have had on there: kid's cartoons or re-runs of Home Improvement (sure I watched it when I was younger, but Jonathan Taylor Thomas was like sooo hot). Anyhow, I had better get on my way because my little sleep in pushed everything else back today so I have quite a bit to get done before I had to work.
Day 10:
30 minutes
8.9 km = 5.53 miles
47-52rpm (pedal rotations per minute - I read the manual!)
50 sit-ups
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