For Halloween I was literally a scaredy cat! |
Today's blog is coming at you awfully late (technically, it is actually tomorrow now) because I was working during the day today so my (new) regular routine got pushed back. I had the distinct pleasure of working a section formerly served during the day by a long term and well-loved server - with the added pleasure of today being the first day shift following her last shift, there was no shortage of customers inquiring about her, telling me how things were with her, and basically shoving a list of expectations (including making a lot of their decisions for them) in my face. I totally understand that these people have become accustomed to being served by the same person who seems to know them better than they know themselves, however, I would also like to think that they have some kind of understanding that it may not be desirable to someone who is just trying to cater to their needs to be constantly compared to another person - I am not your red headed mistake child living in the shadow of some perfect and favoured sibling. No, I'm a server, just trying to do my job without psychic abilities that enable me to know what your "usual" is, or how you like your coffee. Anyhow, enough about that! I didn't get home until quarter after 5, so my run was pushed back until 6:00 but I managed to fit it in before dinner. I don't know if it was because I had worked a whole shift beforehand, but despite stretching my thighs felt incredibly stiff - something that never let up through the whole run. Hopefully that's not the case tomorrow because it was quite tough to push on when it felt like my leg muscles were literally not working at all. I capped off my day by returning to work to count inventory, an oddly calming activity, or at least it normally is - doing it on Halloween night while in a house probably built in the 1930s that people already tell ghost stories about.... Well considering I don't believe in all that ghost nonsense, it still managed to creep the hell out of me! Every little noise had me looking around just to make sure I wasn't about to get possessed or attacked by savage trick-or-treaters gone wrong. I was thoroughly excited when I finally finished, and frankly I could not have gotten out of there fast enough. Haha, despite my best efforts to avoid all things Halloween, that good old creepy Halloween spirit managed to get into my head anyway. I hope you all had an awesome and less creepy (unless you're into that kind of thing) Halloween.
Running Day 6:
40 sit-ups
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