Monday, 14 November 2011

Before and After

Seriously, are you supposed to think these are the same people?
Also, why did the fish also get smaller?
Lesson: Fat men catch bigger fish.
Good afternoon blog readers!  I am happy to be back closer to my normal time, despite the diminished selection of television to watch during my workout.  I basically had the room to myself, just towards the end of my workout a guy came down to use the bike.  I've noticed that almost every guy that comes down there uses the bike, literally the only time I have seen a guy do a workout on anything else was when the bike was being used by another guy...  I think it might be the appeal of sitting down; they all just park themselves on the bike and watch t.v. and I think they may not even notice that their legs are moving.  As for myself, I think I have been fully converted to the elliptical - although I am constantly baffled by the damn thing.  The readings that I get off of it seem totally inconsistent.  For example, on Saturday I used it for 35 minutes at 45-60 rpm, and went 17.9km on mountain course.  Then yesterday, I used it for 40 minutes at 45-60 rpm, and went 11.6 km on rolling course. Since the work level was 4 on both days, I figured that it must be because of the courses; so today I ran for 40 minutes, at 45-60 rpm, on mountain course and yet went 13km.  While, consistency of speed at the upper or lower end could account for smaller differences  (like that of today vs. yesterday), I don't understand the massive gap between Saturday and the other days.  The only thing that I can possibly think of is that someone had used it before me Saturday and paused it instead of stopping it and I just didn't notice...  Very baffling.  I have begun to notice an improvement in my abdomen strength; while I can't yet see anything physically, I am starting to feel the change.  I snap right up when I start my sit-ups (at least for the first 25 or so!), it definitively feels stronger than before.  It actually made me pretty excited when I realized that it felt easier than it did initially - it can become a bit trying to not notice much change despite working your ass off.  I am hopeful that there will be much more to come, however you will just have to take my word for any changes that I may inform you of - there will be no cheesy infomercial-style before and afters of what appears to be two different people who barely look alike.

Day 16:
40 minutes
45-60 rpm
50 sit-ups

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