Apparently it's a more common phenomenon than I ever thought |
Do you ever remember something really obscure and completely unimportant and find yourself why in the world would my brain decide that that was something important to hold on to? Sometimes (most of the time) I can't remember where my keys are, guys forget their anniversaries, parents forget their children's birthdays and yet people remember the strangest things that have absolutely no relevance to anything at all. Today on my way home from some errands, I stopped at a bookstore that recently caught my eye. They have a sign out front that says "Old and Rare Books", given the massive literary nerd that I am, this is right up my alley. Normally, I forget about it and notice it too late to park so I just keep going, or other times I think of it when I am running short on time. So, I was quite happy when I remembered that bookstore on my way home with plenty of time to spare. This book store was like a porn shop for English and history nerds alike; wall to wall books, books with those thick pages that instantly tell you that the book is at least a hundred years old. Textured pages, I don't know what it is, but I just love those old books with their thick, textured pages. Clearly, I will never be one for the ereader... I just love to hold a book, I like to look at them stacked on my shelves, and I especially love the smell of books - this bookstore was all kinds of book smell. As I roamed around in my literary haven, I had the most random useless memory pop into my head. It was from when I was in high school, and I was at my best friend Susan's house. We were in the old computer room (not the music room turned computer room - this info is just for people who know Susan's house) and her older brother, my older brother, and there other friend Dave were on the computers and Susan and I were in there trying (and failing) to coerce them to let us on the computers... Somehow, a discussion about the library started to happen, I of course said how I love the library, and Dave said how being in the library makes him have to poop. Susan, then seconded this, she also has to poop when she goes into the library, or at least she did back then. This is the kind of crap I remember?? Well, I guess it is because there I was in this awesome bookstore filled with amazing old books and I remember a conversation about how the smell of books makes people I know have to poop, and to top it all off, I finally experience this book effect myself and I had to leave the bookstore to poop. Did you ever think you were going to read about me having to poop? I apologize for that, but I just found it a very odd thing to remember... Maybe you laughed, that would be good, I hope you all laughed instead of just finding this incredibly weird.
I'm sorry.
Day 22:
41 minutes
50 sit-ups
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