Wednesday, 2 November 2011

One Week Running Anniversary

So it's been a week since I ripped my pants and started my exercising, and I must say it feels like it's been months... haha, just kidding it's not that bad.  I must say I am pretty proud of sticking with it thus far, I do have a tendency to start things and then get distracted by something shiny and stop what I had initially set out to do - hence why our living room is currently filled with the contents of our storage room that I was hell bent on getting organized last night.  So I put up a poll a couple of days ago to see what my readers thought I should improve upon with my workouts - thanks to the incredible two votes that I got, there was a nail biting tie between sit-ups and distance.  So I opted to give those two people what they wanted and I set out today with the goal in mind of improving on both aspects.  Today I will throw up a new poll for my two week anniversary and with any luck (fingers-crossed) there will be a couple more responses given this time!  In other news, I decided to sign on for a 30 hour soccer marathon that a guy that I work with is organizing and participating in.  Originally, I thought it was next weekend and I wouldn't be able to do it because I am going to concert.  However, when I realised yesterday that it was this coming weekend I decided it would be a fun thing to do.  The only hard part will be that the only time I am able to get down there and play some soccer is after work between 3am and 5am.  So that should be a bit of a challenge, but I am sure it will be a lot of fun.  Unfortunately with the last minute realisation that I am able to participate, I haven't really left myself much time to raise any money.  Hopefully, I'll manage to get a bit of money put together.  Regardless, I am actually pretty excited about getting involved in this; while I donate money every year, I don't ever get out there and dedicate my time so I think I will really enjoy being a part of something and it doesn't hurt that I get to play soccer which I haven't gotten to do in over a year.  Not much else on the go, so here are my new and improved exercise stats as voted on by two of you - thanks.

Running Day 8:
26 minutes &26 seconds
2.51 miles
5.7 mph
50 sit-ups

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