Stay tuned to the end of this blog to
find out what this picture is about... |
This is the time in the evening/morning that I like to refer to as limbo because, while it is technically morning, the majority of the people who are up right now(3:30am) are those that are concluded their evening rather than starting their morning. I am terribly sorry to report that I did not workout today; however, I do feel that I have a very valid reason for that. That reason would be work, where I was from basically 10am to 3am today. To clarify, I'm actually not complaining, just justifying! Therefore, my blog today will not be about working out and the various weirdos that I see and strange thoughts that I have while doing so; rather, it will be more of me ranting and raving like the kind of lunatic that you would expect to write a blog in the wee hours of the morning after working a gazillion hour work day. I will start with my adventurous walk home from work - given that tomorrow is Rememberance day and a holiday for all you messed up people with regular jobs; this Thursday was transformed into a Friday and therefore a long weekend Friday (the worst kind of Friday). It's like everyone and their mother gets let out of the loony bin on a full moon. Walking down a busy street (8th ave or 17th... that's about it) in Calgary on one of these weirdo-enticing evenings can only be equated to people going to the freak show at the circus for the first time in the late 1800s when they actually thought that the bearded lady was a woman with a beard and not just a dude in drag. I've seen a guy knock over a mailbox (in a fit of what can only be assume to be 'roid rage) while yelling at his girlfriend, a super drunk guy step over to Asian guys in a full blown fight on the sidewalk, and then that same guy try and trick me into thinking he was in a cab by walking around a corner with nothing blocking him from my sight (this was all in one night, and 'anonymous guy' you know who you are, and it was hilarious... ps. it was not Dan). I have found young women passed out on the sidewalk with their purse above their head while cops check to see if she's alive, you see all kinds of shit on these kinds of nights - don't get me started on what you see during Stampede (okay, girls poo... straight up, they poo on the side of the road, the side of the sidewalk, the side of the street.... wherever... it's sick.. there are pictures). So you think that after seeing all these kinds I would avoid everything and anyone that even came close to crossing my path. However, on my way home this evening, I had a guy ask me for directions to an address that he was incapable of finding... he said he was from out of town, couldn't find his friend.... and as I listened to him I couldn't help but think, this is how people die or get seriously hurt in movies - this is it, the stereotypical story line, naive girl trusts weirdo in the streets, despite having some apprehensions (the thought that this is how people die in movies) she talks to and attempts to help the stranger instead of pretending she's a Swedish model with a twin (what guy would want to kill one of those? Plus, they generally don't speak English so they could avoid the whole incident). I felt kind of bad that I couldn't help the guy find the address that he was looking for, and also that I assumed that because he was a man in the street at 3am that he was going to try to kill me. Don't you hate when you think someone's going to kill you and they are actually just a nice, lost person??? Anyway, I swear I was going to talk about something else... there were more stories, I am sure of it. However, I am now totally exhausted physically, and now mentally. Tomorrow I will work out and then I will tell you about it, or I might remember the stories that I was going to tell you today... Anything could happen. Do you feel the suspense??? Is it as intense as a Gordon Ramsay show??? God that guy loves suspense, and having his shirt off at some point in his shows <cue gratuitous Ramsay shirtless shot>
That's more realistic... whoever photo-shopped that photo above is my hero... |
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