Those are probably half gram weights... |
If there is anyone out there who actually reads my blog daily I apologize for how late today's/yesterday's blog is coming to you. As you may recall from my previous blog, in the wee hours of the morning I was playing soccer for a local cancer fundraiser. In doing so, there was little left of the rest of my day since I slept until 2:00 in the afternoon and then went to work for 4:00. I did, however, manage to maintain some semblance of my exercise routine - while I did play 2 hours of what was surprisingly intense soccer for 3 in the morning, I wanted to make sure I still made my daily visit to the gym. I opted to take it easy today in lieu of lack of sleep, the soccer, and overall lack of time. Now that I have provided you with a really boring itinerary and my reasons/excuses for going easy on myself today maybe I should tell you something interesting (I know what you're thinking, oh my god, really... after 9 days of religiously reading her blog she is finally going to have something genuinely interesting to say!! well probably not, but I do have tales to tell that I have most likely exaggerated). Last night I worked a long, somewhat strenuous but overall good shift at work that had me going for a good 10 hours until 2:00 in the morning. Usually I actually get out a bit earlier than this over the weekend, but I was actually kind of happy that work kept me tied up for so long - that way I didn't realize just how tired I actually was. Instead, I was actually feeling pretty good and awake while I sat in my car for 5 minutes letting it warm up since this was the first night that the car had the pleasure of being subjected to frost and I thought I had better ease it in (I like to treat our car as if it is a person, I have been known to refer to it as my little blue guy - it seems that while guys assume cars are female, I assume cars are male). I drank a sugar-free Red Bull while I made my way to the indoor soccer arena; a good 25 minutes away in an area that I literally had no idea existed despite the fact that I have lived in Calgary for 5 years now. It was pretty quiet when I arrived at 2:30 which was what I had expected, not a lot of extra people hanging around in the middle of the night to cheer people on. What was unexpected was the number of people that were a bit on the tipsy side to say the least; anyone who knows me from a hole in the wall can attest to the fact that I am not a prude when it comes to drinking, however, I was genuinely baffled on how the hell people were getting home from this place - we were in the middle of nowhere! But I guess people were somehow managing, and if they weren't getting home, I guess they were probably just playing soccer all night - perhaps that's the appeal of an overnight charity marathon... I was informed when I got there that the people that were playing were of varying skill levels and, being that it's for charity, things were quite lighthearted and not taken too seriously - sounded good to me, after working a ten hour shift on my feet I wasn't really in the mood or physical to state to go "balls to the wall" or some other ridiculous cliche saying. Once our first game got under way I was truly shocked to see the level of competitiveness going on; pushing, shoving, tripping, and overall acting like a pissy 10 year old was abundant, especially (not to be "gender"ist) with the guys. Not to mention the fact that I was getting yelled at every time I screwed something up or played in a way that someone else didn't want me to - I kept getting flashbacks of being 16 and playing super competitive soccer. Apparently, this was the only game thus far that had been like this, and thank goodness for that! I ended up getting head-butted by a guy (who insisted that it was me that head-butted him) who got me in the side of the head, right on the ear - pinching my glasses between my ear and my head... my ear and my head still hurt and if I were to personify my glasses like our car then those poor little glasses would be hurting too. Luckily, things turned around in the second game and it seemed like everyone was just enjoying playing and not caught up on the score or the level of play of other: mainly myself. I actually think and felt that I was the worst player there by far; I have never had that feeling of being picked last for gym class when it came to athletics, but I think if you had lined everyone there up and picked teams, I would have been the last to go. I don't know exactly what it was, but all the girls were really skilled, and pretty much every guy that I tried to face off against ended up burning me... Part of it was probably that indoor soccer has never really been my game, despite having played soccer for a long time, indoor and outdoor are really two very different entities. Personally, I think that my most prominent skills in soccer have always been my speed and my strength (which translates into long kicks and throw-ins) but in indoor soccer there are no throw-ins, there's not much space to run in, and kicking far can actually be a negative. Indoor soccer is all about control and technique; things which, I actually recall my dad telling me straight up, was never really my game and I completely agree. While I always kind of knew that those aspects weren't my strong suit, I have actually never felt this bad at soccer, ever. Much like the ripping of my pants, it has kind of trigger something in me - a desire to rediscover the skills that I used to have, as well as improve upon them. I'm thinking about joining an indoor soccer team or organizing one of my own - not only do I think it will help me in quenching that particular desire, but I think it will be beneficiary to my exercise plan, rounding it out so it's not just me on a treadmill or elliptical all the time. Well, I started this off half-complaining about how tired I am because I was up until 5 in the morning, and I have spent half an hour writing this... While I internally mock myself about this, I am going to turn in because I really am totally exhausted!
Day 11 (elliptical):
15 minutes
42-45 rpm
no sit-ups (there was an old guy using the equipment, and I ran out of time waiting for him to curl 8 gram weights)
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