Does this look intelligent to you? |
Or does this? |
Alright, back on track today! I feel like I have been a bit of a slacker this week, and not making as much of an effort to get my workouts in that I had been doing in the first week. Driven by that internalized guilt, I strove to go longer and harder today than I have done this far. I have become a big fan of the elliptical over the course of my workouts. I like how it doesn't feel like my entire body weight is slamming down on my ankles towards the end. I started my workout just a minute and half after another guy had started on the bike - which of course brought out that competitive side that I have been telling you about. I was determined not to stop until after him, and so after half an hour he finally stopped and I had to go for another five minutes because I needed to know in my head that I went longer than him and not for the same amount of time - I'm weird like that I suppose, he will never know that he did 30 minutes and I did 35, but I needed to know that. Sometimes I feel sorry for Dan for having to deal with all my crazies! The guy who was working out next to me had turned on the old movie The Thing. I have never seen it before, I have heard of it but that was about it. I must say that I was pretty baffled by the movie; granted, I started watching in the middle of it with no idea of what was going on, but still, there was on thing that just didn't make sense. This doctor character (who looked like he probably also played the role of an evil doctor in some James Bond movies) kept insisting that they shouldn't kill the Thing because it was more intelligent than humans and they needed to learn from it - where in the hell did this guy get the idea that the Thing was intelligent? From what I saw they found the Thing frozen in ice (would a smart person end up frozen in ice? Nope, they'd be somewhere warm probably), it thawed out and ran off and killed some dogs and drank their blood (Nothing about that seems to indicate intelligence to me). Then, the Thing goes to some greenhouse, no idea what that was all about it, I couldn't really hear it that well. Then they had some device that gave readings that informed them of how close the Thing was, if it was so intelligent wouldn't it know a way to not be detected? And then they set the thing on fire, it makes loud groaning noises while flailing around at everyone and then runs out into the arctic on fire... it doesn't even stop, drop, and roll. So where does this doctor get the idea that the Thing is intelligent?? I didn't finish the movie, maybe he sits down with the doctor at the end and reveals all the secrets of mankind like the doctor seems to think he will... maybe they talk politics and philosophy while playing chess, but I doubt it, the Thing is not Beast from X-Men. If anyone has seen the movie and knows something that I missed that explains this, please let me know, I am curious (yet not curious enough to watch the whole movie...)
Day 14:
35 minutes
45-60rpm (I decided to see how fast I could go, got up to 90 and felt like I might fly off..)
50 sit-ups
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