Is this really any different than leaving against the wall? |
The suspense is over! I am pleased to tell you all that I mustered up the energy to head down to the gym today and recommence my workouts. I must say, it was a bit of a challenge as I seemed to be quite short on breath - I am not sure if this is from my month long vacation from working out or if it's a lingering effect from having been sick... I am hoping that it's just from being sick and that the shortness of breath will pass in a few days. That being said, I was definitely not up to the standards that I left off at. I still did the same amount of sit-ups that I last did, however I felt a bit more of a struggle towards the end of them than I recall having when I was working out in November. Also, I only did a fraction of the time that I had been doing previously - just a little less than half to be more specific. I didn't want to push my self too hard right off the bat but I am confident that by mid week I'll be back full strength! I am also considering an outdoor run this week. Frankly, I've been avoiding the outdoor running in general just because of the high impact but given how absurdly nice the weather has been in Calgary (wind aside) it seems like something that I should at least attempt. The trouble is that living downtown I don't find that there are too many places where I would want to run to. I have seen these people jogging around the downtown, running on the spot at traffic lights every 20 feet... it really just doesn't appeal to me that much. Perhaps there is some awesome place to run in the downtown area that I am just not aware of because my workout routine has been hibernating in the comfort of the gym, so if you happen to know of a good running route, please fill me in and maybe I will give it a go in the next week. I don't really have much else to tell you all today; my workout was fairly uneventful. When I went down there was one woman using those large exercise balls... although she appeared to just be sitting on it and bouncing it slightly - is this a legitimate exercise or just an excuse for adults to utilise something that would otherwise be considered a children's toy? She left shortly after I got there, but as she was leaving a notice her getting her iPad from the treadmill - what an awesome idea. If I had an iPad, I could watch whatever I wanted when I worked out instead of being subject to the lackluster offerings of daytime television. Unfortunately, iPads are wicked expensive so if anyone would like to buy me one that would be really awesome.
Day 1 (I thought I would start fresh)
20 minutes
50 sit-ups
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