This is the G rated version of why I wasn't blogging... |
Welcome back everyone! I have actually rather missed sending my ridiculous thoughts out into the world to be read, enjoyed, and probably judged by others. I am sorry for taking a hiatus from my blogging, however a series of fortunate and unfortunate events prevented me from writing. So I will rewind and tell you all about where I have been and why I have not been keeping you all (hopefully) entertained. Last Thursday was the first day that I did not blog, I did actually workout that day, however I did so very close to the time that I had to go to work so I didn't get a chance to write it beforehand and I went to bed shortly after getting home because I had to work the next morning. Friday I worked during the day, and then Dan picked me up from work and we immediately hit the road to head to the mountains. We were going up to this lodge with some of our friends in order to celebrate one couples engagement which as happening on their way to the lodge. The whole thing was a big secret and it all came together perfectly! Dan and I woke up early Saturday morning and headed to Lake Louise to get some snowboarding in - our first runs of the season. It was the busiest that we had ever seen the hill, especially that early in the morning. We had not realised that there was actually a World Cup race going on that day which meant that a large part of the mountain was unavailable and the remainder of the mountain was completely overcrowded. So after two runs we decided it just wasn't worth the headache and hassle of waiting in long lines in the cold. Instead, we met up with our friends whom we warned against the chaos of the ski hill and decided we would go skating. We were both pretty excited for this, neither one of us have skated in a very long time. For myself, I am pretty sure the last time that I skated was on the canal, which means at least 6 years ago, and I do recall that even then that was the first time in a long time. I remember that I had done up my skates (which I had bought specifically to go skating this one time) and I stood up to head out onto the canal from the tents they have setup to get everything ready, I promptly fell flat on my ass and a small child whose mum was doing up his skates proceeded to laugh at me. I am pretty sure that despite being the personal slapstick comedy routine for a small child, I was actually able to skate. So Dan and I were both very curious to see if we actually could still skate, and if we could, how well... Unfortunately the hilarious stories of Dan and I trying to skate after probably a combined 15 years of not skating will have to be postponed given that the lake was not fully frozen. On the way back to the lodge Dan and I stopped in the adorable little town of Field, BC to get some lunch at this grocer/restaurant that we had been to many times before but had recently changed owners. I had a chicken panini sandwich that was alright, not the best, not the worst... unlike the glass of wine that we had which was definitively the worst. Anyone who knows Dan and I, know that its a rare occasion when we leave nearly full drinks sitting on our table, but we did it that day. I would attribute it to the fact that the wine came out of a box, except that I have had bearable wine out of a box before, this was unbearable. Later that evening we returned to Field to meet the other couple that was coming to join us all, and we had dinner at the Truffle Pigs, a restaurant Dan and I have a lot of fond memories at (like me forgetting that I had switched from beer to wine and picking up the wine bottle taking a pound directly from the bottle as other guests of the lodge that we had been talking to looked on). Dinner was awesome, and then we went back to the lodge and continued to celebrate. Finally we went to bed, and then I awoke at 3am in absolutely pain. I felt like I had to throw-up, and not the kind of throwing up that some people do when they have had too much to drink, this was a whole other kind of throwing up. However, I couldn't throw up. I finally did about an hour and a half later, and I will spare you all the gruesome details but I had food poisoning. It was the chicken panini
Day 24 (Last Thursday)
45 minutes
50 sit-ups
Day 25 (Today)
45 minutes
50 sit-ups
i don't care much for chicken or panini - or at least what they have become...