I bet right now you are wondering
what the hell this picture could
possibly have to do with anything... |
Well, I have just completed my first Saturday morning running, however it kind of moved into the afternoon given my late night of working in addition to the seven beers I downed last night without blinking an eye. I woke up a little late, and in sub-par condition, but I must exercise really does help kick that hangover to the curb. Although, I would imagine there is a line drawn somewhere that once passed exercise only manages to make matters much, much worse... I have an awesome mental image of running on a treadmill and then puking over the side of it (so awesome that I mean gross, and so gross that I felt the need to disgust others). Fortunately today I had not crossed that line and exercise actually made me feel really awesome. I have also been following my runs up with a dip in the hot tub, it's a great way to relax afterwards and I am sure it helps with the old achy muscles as well. I am a bit ashamed of the fact that we have lived in this building for so long and made little use of the amenities available to us. For example, our building has an outdoor pool, one that is rarely used because a lot of old people live in our building and (thankfully) they don't seem interested in taking a dip, yet I believe I went in the pool just once all summer. It seems pretty silly considering once we get a house of our own and no longer have a pool readily available I just know there will be multiple instances in which I wish I had a pool to go take a swim. Speaking of our building's pool, it does seem to attract a lot of people to go and just sit around and bake in the sun... As an incredibly pale person, I really don't understand this. You just sit there getting hot, lying either face down staring at pavement or face up with your eyes tightly squeezed shut because the blazing hot and bright sun is baking your body. I mean, I understand that it feels nice, all that warmth and Vitamin D, but I get it as something you do on a beach, or after you've been in water and now you're a bit chilly... But to just lie on a lawn chair baking in the sun in the middle of the dessert-like environment of Calgary on a pavement patio next to pool filled with water that you have not and have no intention of going into - well, that really just baffles the hell out of me. Personally, I prefer to slap on some waterproof SPF 90 and get in the water or just stay indoors and let my paleness slowly turn to translucence. Wow, I literally almost forgot how I got onto this topic, seriously, I was seconds away from scrolling back to the top to figure out how I got to talking about sunbathing while on the brink of winter... Anyhow, the point is that I am feeling pretty good about finally making some good use of all the features available to me. Also, there is a squash court, so if anyone is interested in having me kick their ass in a squash match let me know, I'm undefeated in the two matches Dan and I have ever played (Dan please imagine me looking really cute so that comment does not anger you).
I almost forgot!
Running Day 4:
2 miles
5.5 mph
35 sit-ups